August 03, 2006

Video Blog Edition: I'm unemployed and bored

Nothing of real consequence. I'll have a substantial video up next week. Stay tuned for more reviews.


Anonymous said...

Hey Matt.
Great video.
It's entertaining.

I'm saying hello from J-Camp.
It's amazing.

Okay, bye.

Matt said...

Glad you're enjoying J-Camp. I hope it's as much of a live changing experience for you as it was for me. I learned so much about being a journalist and a leader in those three days.

Thanks for the comment. As always, it's very appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I certainly did.
It was great, I learned so much.
Especially about design.

Sorry you're having the writer's block.

But this should cheer you up.
Nuss & Dennis sang karaoke, twice.
We have pictures of Nusser screaming, it's really entertaining.

Matt said...

The thought of Nuss singing karaoke is at once both entertaining and exceedingly disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Just a few critiques, from professional to professional...strictly business.

1 - I am extremely disappointed that the swiveling chair wasn't used in some hilarious swiveling way. For example: a bump into and then swivel around, a sit and swivel, or even just a brief scoot-by. In the future, I think it would greatly improve the quality of your videos to fully utilize all tools available to you, especially when they hold so much comedic potential as a swiveling chair.

2 - Your hair is SHORT. I'm talking military short. In my professional opinion... I didn't know that. Which isn't so much an opinion as a statement.

3 - I haev DSL now, which means I can watch your video blogs. Huzzah!

Matt said...

1 - I completely agree. I have no idea what I was thinking.

2 - It's hot and my hair was getting long. It's already grown half an inch since I cut it, though. My hair grows friggin' fast.

3 - Awesome.